An Exhibit That Brought Me To Tears
Carnegie Museum and the 'WE ARE NATURE, Living in the Anthropocene' Exhibit The previous day I had planned to visit the Carnegie Museum but it being a Tuesday they were closed. Upon waking this morning I decided today would be the day. I looked up their hours and they happened to have half off their final two hours of being opened, so I decided to do that thinking it would be enough time. Let me tell you now before getting to the good stuff, two hours is not , I repeat NOT , enough time to absorb and see the Carnegie Museum! This is an all day adventure. Anyway... I saw that they had an exhibit going on called the 'WE ARE NATURE, Living in the Anthropocene'. Only the other day I had learned what Anthropocene was; We have been living in the geological Holocene Era and now it is being proposed that we have now entered the Antropocene Era (Carnegie 'WE ARE NATURE, Living in the Anthropocene'). Anthropocene is " the period of time during which human acti...