
Showing posts from 2017

How Much Did My 1 Month Through SE Asia Cost?

Since I have been back to life here on Mt. Hood one of the number one questions I have been asked is how much my trip cost me. I sat down and went through my receipts, tickets, and bank statements to break it down into 5 segments: 1. Lodging = $500 - All of my nights but 2 were spent in either my own room or private bungalow never                         having  a shared bathroom expect once. This cost also includes my stay at the Kanchanaburi Elephant Haven . 2. Food & Drinks = $300 - I went to a couple fancy places but mostly chose the food stands/carts, markets, and small hole in the wall places. These more local spots I felt as if I got more bang for my buck and didn’t feel like I was in a tourist trap. 3.  Traveling Around While in Asia = $250 - This cost includes a flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok, sleeper train, tut-tuts, buses, mini vans, and motorbikes. 4. Everything Else = $450 - Everything else is medicine, souvenigers, supplies, activities, etc.

4 Countries & 40 Days

My first big solo travel has come to an end but my inspiration and ambition has just begun. I visited 3 new countries(Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore), 2 new states(Pennsylvania and Ohio). Put my toes in the sands of 15 different beaches and explored 3 different islands. I had 17 different temporary homes. I traveled on 10 different planes, 4 ferries, a sleeper train, countless buses, taxis, tuk-tuks, and motorbikes, 1 of though ride I even questioned my survival. Upon my arrival I dealt with one of the worst sickness of my life. I managed to get just one minor injury, which is impressive if you know me and I didn't even lose or damage my phone! I tried lots of new food, some good and some not so much. There are countless unforgettable memories and I have met so many incredible people, with some being life long friends now. It was great spending time with old friends as well. Words can not sum up this experience but it has changed me. My phone tracked that I walked 227.5km(141

An Exhibit That Brought Me To Tears

Carnegie Museum and the 'WE ARE NATURE, Living in the Anthropocene' Exhibit The previous day I had planned to visit the Carnegie Museum but it being a Tuesday they were closed. Upon waking this morning I decided today would be the day. I looked up their hours and they happened to have half off their final two hours of being opened, so I decided to do that thinking it would be enough time. Let me tell you now before getting to the good stuff, two hours is not , I repeat  NOT ,  enough time to absorb and see the Carnegie Museum! This is an all day adventure. Anyway... I saw that they had an exhibit going on called the 'WE ARE NATURE, Living in the Anthropocene'. Only the other day I had learned what Anthropocene was; We have been living in the geological Holocene Era and now it is being proposed that we have now entered the Antropocene Era (Carnegie 'WE ARE NATURE, Living in the Anthropocene'). Anthropocene is " the period of time during which human acti

A Place of Eyegasmic Wonder: Randyland

The days plan was to checkout Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History, but upon arrival I found out that they sadly were not open on Tuesdays. Instead I checked out the Conservatory, had a perfect lunch at Unique Eats with my friend and decided to head to the famous Randyland. My friend had told me briefly about it when I was checking out a poem attached to her fridge a few nights back. From Oakland neighborhood I caught bus 74 that dropped me off a couple blocks down the road. It was a warm, lovely, sunny November day. When headed up Arch St from W North Ave it was not hard to miss Randyland as I approached! My eyes did not know what to focus on and I hadn't even set foot into the gates of this colorful outdoor art gallery yet! Within my first couple steps in I began having an eyegasm from all the sights and wonders! There were bright colored chairs going up the walls, set up in lounge areas and throughout the yard. Multi colored painted doors and plastic toy dinosaurs

Ao Nang, Krabi, Thailand

Party Time! Oh boy! What a crazy night I had in Ao Nang. I hadn't partied at all in Thailand and thought "why not". From Koh Pha-ngan  I took the ferry and 2 buses to get to Ao Nang, Krabi, Thailand. There were a few others headed that way sitting behind me on the bus and I overheard them talking about this certain party hostel they would be staying at. On the 2nd bus I sat next to one of the guys I overheard talking on the last bus. I asked him where he was staying and if he mind if I followed him to this hostel. Checkin The minibus dropped us in front of the Balcony Party Hostel where I would spend the next 2 nights. I opted out of having my own room to stay in a 10 person mixed dorm, which I have done nothing like since my arrival in Thailand. I chose the bottom bunk closet to the window, we each had a curtain to create privacy with a little reading light and free WiFi. They also gave everyone a ticket each night for a free BBQ 19:30-20:30 and another for a &qu

Koh Pha-ngan

Chill Reggae Vibes of Koh Pha-ngan My time here was spent relaxing and soaking up the island vibes. So are you ready to spend time on a beautiful lush island with some reggae feels?  If you travel from Pattaya like I did it takes you 28 hours including layovers by bus, sleeper train, and ferry. I would suggest leaving from Bangkok if you aren't already in that Southern area. Here is how I did Koh Pha-ngan Where I Stayed On way here I talked to a few people about what the island was like to stay. After some suggestions and thought decided to head to the Northern part of the island, Haad Yao, where it was much quieter and relaxing. Upon arrival the ferry drops you off in Thong Sala which is the Western coast and you'll find all the big, bumpin' parties here. Ibiza Bungalows I chose this place based off a suggestion from this gentleman that I met on the sleeper train that has been coming to Koh Pha-ngan for the last 40 years. My first two nights he

Getting Sick While Traveling Alone and How I Dealt With It

The Sickness In a previous post about my first day in Chiang Mai, Thailand I shared with you how I spent 15 hours sick in my hotel room. During that time I was vomiting, dry heaving, hot and cold flashes, sweating profusely, and only being able to take nibbles of a banana and a sip of water ever couple hours in between forcing myself to sleep with the help of lavender and peppermint oil. The next day I was able to get myself to Chiang Dao to explore the jungle due to charcoal pills. The pills weren't actually helping... They were just masking whatever had possessed my body. During dinner the second day after the pills wore off I felt round 2 approaching. I parted with my friend to call it a night and wake up later to spend hours making good friends and enemies with my toilet. Unable to keep even water down. I am not going to lie... I broke down in my little bungalow in the middle of the jungle bawling my eyes out, distressed that I was on the complete other side of home,

The Island of Koh Larn, Thailand

Are you ready to adventure a whole island and see every beach it has to offer in a relaxing pace? Well here you go.  Then set sail from the piers in Pattaya near the Walking Street, the earlier the better. Signs are posted for by the ferries to leave at 08:00 but Robe and I got on one 15-30 minutes before hand for 30 BAHT each.  It’s a beautiful and relaxing ride there.  Haad Ta Waen Beach Upon arrival you see all the bright colored building and lush jungle.  We set foot to our first stop Haad Ta Waen beach which I would say way my least favorite other than the floating pier that really rocked your boat. The tide was high so there was no beach and it was over populated with tourists so we left quickly.  Samae Beach We then set foot over to Samae Beach. It was a gorgeous walk hitting a beautiful Viewpoint before a lovely lady stopped to give us a ride on her motorbike the rest of the way just to be nice! We had a fun little photo shoot and kicked back on