Saying Goodbye to Malaysia

Wow this is really it... It’s time to say goodbye Malaysia after a month and a half together 😣 During my time here I have learned so incredibly much about the country, culture, Islam, myself, how to speak a bit of Malay, and the way of life here. I’ve gone through heartache and pure joy 💓 I am so endlessly grateful that I got the opportunity to volunteer my time with Meow Island Malaysia, all the time I got to spend with old friends and new friends, hiking and camping the oldest jungle in the world, hitchhiked almost the entirety of my travels here, all but a few nights staying with my friends and other locals, the food is incredible and the people are even more fantastic. Thank you so much everyone for all you’ve done for me, for bringing me into your homes, the fun adventures, sharing meals with me, and doing all you can to ensure I’m comfortable and happy. You’ve giving me an unforgettable, heartwarming experience. I will be back again for a third round without a doubt. You’re truly something unique Malaysia and I’m going to miss you dearly. Bye bye for now✌️😢☺️


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