Harvest Time

Here in Binmaley, Pangasinan, Philippines I have been staying with my friend. Her and her family have been so kind to take me into their home and make me feel like family. 
(My first attempt)
On May 22nd, 2018 I went with her to check out her and her husbands fish ponds and to see that the caretakers had begun the process of harvesting 1 of the 3 ponds. In her ponds she has shrimp, prawns, tilapia, and bangus. As their caretakers were beginning to empty the pond to make catching the fish easier we sat back and relaxed enjoying the peaceful setting we were in until the hard work began. As the sun began to set I hopped in with the workers when the pond was lower to try and help catch the fish. This was quiet challenging and I climbed out of the pond after some time with no luck in catching anything. I did find out that you aren't supposed to stick your hands deep into the mud like I was, just graze the top to get the fish to jump. After her husband arrived and checked in we took off back to their place to have some dinner where we enjoyed some rice and some of the fish that was caught. We filled our bellies with delicious food, gathered head lamps and lights and headed back to the pond to finish the harvest. Upon our return the pond was empty minus some puddles and on one side there was still several inches of water. Barefoot and all we hopped right in and got to work. It was very dark so my headlamp came in handy to see. We ran our hands over the surface stirring the up the tilapia and bangus, while looking for the real prize... The orange eyes of the shrimp! I actually was pretty good at catching the tilapia and it was kind of exciting, especially when they slipped out of my hands and jumped away. The shrimp on the other hand was much more difficult for me, I caught one with the help of my friend pointing it out to me. Some of the fish and shrimp were caught in a net, where we separated them. After quiet sometime, maybe around midnight or 01:00 we called it a night, around 02:00 to sell my friend and her family took what was caught to the market, while the caretakers rested to wake at sunrise when they could see better to finish the rest of the harvest. 
This was a unique and rewarding experience that I learned a lot from. The work is not easy, you are constantly moving, crouching down, bending over and squatting. That night is my only experience with harvesting fish and it kicked my butt, while others this is their everyday job. In the future if my friends, family or host needed help with harvesting their fish I would without a doubt do it again.
If you ever get the opportunity to help harvest a fish pond do get into the mud and give it a try, even if it is just for a little bit. I bet it'll change your perspective, outlook on life and work.
Binmaley has been a lovely time that I will visit again in the future. Plus I have new friends and family here that I must visit again! 
Tomorrow I set out for an amazing next adventure! Stay tuned and give me a follow for what's in store next, it is something very special.
Until next time travel safely wherever that may be.
Sending luck to everyone around the world,
Finding Me Wherever I May Be
IG: findingmewhereverimaybe


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