Why I Fell in Love With the Philippines
There is so much we don’t know and so much we take for granted. There is no way to sum up the Philippines cause each city, province, island, etc is so diverse from food, dialect, culture, etc. Some of the things I’ve learned is that no matter what you got you must make the most of it. Love the ones you have around you and cherish your time here. I find when I complain now about the insignificant things I feel like a brat. I have been spoiled even when times were rough. The thing is, we all have rough times but how we choose to deal with though times is what really matters. Here poverty is real and it’s not just being pushed in the shadows like it’s done in many first world countries. It’s there front and center but you don’t here anyone really complaining. They take care of everything they have and I mean everything. From their homes no matter what that may be, it is kept tidy, swept and a sense of coziness. Belongings are well taken care of and appreciated. My eyes swell with tears ...